A classroom or conference room setting with a group of people seated at desks, looking towards a speaker and a projected slideshow. The speaker stands at the front near a projection screen displaying a table. Most attendees are wearing formal attire and some have masks on.
A classroom or conference room setting with a group of people seated at desks, looking towards a speaker and a projected slideshow. The speaker stands at the front near a projection screen displaying a table. Most attendees are wearing formal attire and some have masks on.


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A group of people seated around a long conference table, attentively listening to someone presenting information on a whiteboard. The setting is a modern conference room with large windows that let in natural light. Various individuals have laptops open in front of them, and there are bottles of water on the table. The atmosphere is professional and focused.
A group of people seated around a long conference table, attentively listening to someone presenting information on a whiteboard. The setting is a modern conference room with large windows that let in natural light. Various individuals have laptops open in front of them, and there are bottles of water on the table. The atmosphere is professional and focused.
A conference room set up for a presentation or workshop with red chairs arranged around tables. Each table contains glasses, notepads, and black bags with logos. A projector screen at the front displays a title. Banners with graphics and text are positioned on either side of the room. A plant adds greenery to the setting.
A conference room set up for a presentation or workshop with red chairs arranged around tables. Each table contains glasses, notepads, and black bags with logos. A projector screen at the front displays a title. Banners with graphics and text are positioned on either side of the room. A plant adds greenery to the setting.
A group of people are seated in a modern classroom or lecture hall setting. Most are using laptops, indicating a possible workshop or educational session. The room has a tiered seating arrangement with a white interior and large windows at the back. There are projectors mounted on the ceiling.
A group of people are seated in a modern classroom or lecture hall setting. Most are using laptops, indicating a possible workshop or educational session. The room has a tiered seating arrangement with a white interior and large windows at the back. There are projectors mounted on the ceiling.

اقسام الدورات

المحاسبة والمالية

احصل على شهادة في المحاسبة والمالية لتعزيز مسارك المهني.

استكشف خدماتنا المتنوعة في التدريب والاستشارات لمختلف التخصصات.

التخطيط والإدارة

احصل على شهادة في التخطيط والإدارة لتعزيز مسارك المهني.

التسويق والمبيعات

احصل على شهادة في التسويق والمبيعات لتعزيز مسارك المهني.

التطوير الشخصي والمهني

احصل على شهادة في التطوير الشخصي والمهني لتعزيز مسارك المهني.

تقنية المعلومات والذكاء الاصطناعي
الصحة والسلامة

احصل على شهادة في التقنية المعلومات والذكاء الاصطناعي لتعزيز مسارك المهني.

احصل على شهادة في الصحة والسلامة لتعزيز مسارك المهني.

التعليم واللغات
الفنون والحرف
الإنتاج والصناعة

احصل على شهادة في التعليم واللغات تعزيز حياتك المهنية.

احصل على شهادة في االإنتاج والصناعة لتعزيز حياتك المهنية.

Get certified in Accounting and Finance to enhance your career.

التجارة الدولية
تنمية المرأة

قمي بتنمية نفسك من خلال التسجيل في هذه الدورات لفتح آفاق إمكانياتك بالكامل!

احصل على شهادة في التجارة الدولية لتعزيز حياتك المهنية.

الاستشارات الهندسية

احصل على خدمة استشارات الهندسة لدينا لحل تحدياتك الهندسية وتحسين مشاريعك.

آراء العملاء

اكتشف كيف حول تدريبنا استراتيجيات العمل وعزز المهارات من أجل النجاح.

كان التدريب في مركز تولوس استثنائيًا، حيث قدم معرفة عملية أطبقها يوميًا.

احمد علي
A group of people are sitting around a conference table in a meeting room. A woman is actively speaking while holding a laptop. In the background, there is a banner for a 'UX Training Series' and whiteboards covered with diagrams and notes. Several objects are on the table, including papers, notebooks, electronic devices, and drinks.
A group of people are sitting around a conference table in a meeting room. A woman is actively speaking while holding a laptop. In the background, there is a banner for a 'UX Training Series' and whiteboards covered with diagrams and notes. Several objects are on the table, including papers, notebooks, electronic devices, and drinks.

مدينة كسلا

ساعدني تدريب مركز تولوس في اكتساب الثقة والمهارات في الإدارة، مما أدى إلى ترقيتي في العمل. أوصي بشدة بدوراتهم لأي شخص يتطلع إلى التقدم في مسيرته المهنية.

A person is presenting in front of a whiteboard filled with detailed marketing diagrams and notes. Several people are seated, paying attention to the presentation. The setting appears to be a professional workshop or meeting room with natural light coming through large windows.
A person is presenting in front of a whiteboard filled with detailed marketing diagrams and notes. Several people are seated, paying attention to the presentation. The setting appears to be a professional workshop or meeting room with natural light coming through large windows.
فاطمه النور

مدينة كسلا
